Happy Christmas!
It's finished!
New Moleskine, Christmas Shopping and An Ideal Husband
Today I finished my first "retro blog" moleskine i.e. a diary where I write stuff that I don't want to particularly broadcast all over the internet. I'm quite proud of it really because it looks pretty cool when you flick through it - 240 pages of pure black writing - and of course, every word written is a word of genius!!! So now I'm ready to start my new Retro Blog Moleskine. I have a ritual when I begin a new Moleskine - much of it picked up from other people's rituals that I have read about. I take off the cellophane wrapping. Then I flick through the book and inhale the 'new paper' smell. After that I have a look at the insert and any postcards or leaflets that are with it. They go into the pocket at the back, along with the carefully folded coloured band. Then the hard work begins - I number each page, either in black or red, then I make an index of all the page numbers on the last 4 pages. Every time I write I put a heading (much like a normal blog), and those headings are written in the index at the back. It makes finding specific things much easier when the book is full! I just need to get writing in this one now!
Today I finally finished my Christmas shopping. I went into town quite early and managed to get most of it done fairly efficiently. Is it really bad though to also buy things for yourself when you are Christmas shopping - supposedly you're meant to be buying gifts for others! In addition to the hilariously funny Magna Farta which I bought earlier in the week and the essential make up items I bought today, I ended up buying myself lots of jewellery in Primark. However, the fact that none of the items cost more than £2 eases my conscience greatly! Perhaps I'm not that bad after all!
Finally - An Ideal Husband. No, I'm not looking for one (do they exist?!)Last night I went to see the Oscar Wilde play at the Royal Exchange Theatre in Manchester. I have never been to that theatre before and I really liked it. It is a huge steel and glass pod, with the stage in the round and the seats on a variety of different levels - some are like low little sofas - we were on tall ones at the back, a bit like bar stools. The modernity of the actual theatre contrasts brilliantly with the beautiful old Exchange building which houses the theatre. I'd like to perhaps get season tickets and go and see more plays there.
An Ideal Husband was really good. It took me a while to get into it, but after that I really enjoyed it. The things that fascinated me most though (apart from the sparkling comedic wit of Oscar Wilde and the talented performance from the actors) were the sets and costumes. The furniture used was mainly silver and ornate - real statement pieces. Then in one Act reds and golds were used, along with fire. But what was most beautiful about the sets were the cut glass chandeliers which hung over the theatre and gave it a sense of beauty and grandeur. The sets were both old fashioned and completely modern. And the costumes were absolutely beautiful - long dresses which trailed along the floor in the most gorgeous fabrics. It made us all wonder and talk about what it would be like if people wore those kinds of clothes now - it really would be quite bizarre, though people would look so lovely!
The Robbery of Rhydian
In the comments after this song, Sharon said that Rhydian looked like a 'white angel'. That makes me think of 'Beauty School Dropout' in Grease! Perhaps that could be a future career for Rhydian! But I'm sure that he will have greater longevity than Leon, who I imagine will be forgotten about this time next year.
Where is the Christmas magic?
I went Christmas shopping this morning and felt like I was just going through the motions. I have been putting off buying Christmas cards so far because I haven't seen any that have caught my attention - they all seem to be a bit bland and cheap-looking, even in shops like M&S, Boots, Next and WHSmith who usually make nice ones. And whilst I've received a sprinkling of cards, usually by this time in December they are all over the house. This year it seems that people aren't sending as many, if if they are, they're leaving it late.
The problem, I feel is that Christmas has been completely over-commercialised. It starts in November... October... September even. So by the time it comes to December, everyone has been completely over-exposed to it all and feels no sense of excitement or occasion. It just seems to merge into everyday life.
The one thing that did brighten my day though whilst I was out shopping were the carol singers from the local blind home. Not only did they sound lovely, but they were singing proper Christmas carols, rather than the over played Christmas songs that are played everywhere else. It's little things like that which still sens a shiver down my spine and which remind us that Christmas isn't about how much money you can spend on presents.
When does an orange taste of mint?
The Thirteenth Tale
Showing a slight improvement...
Hauntingly beautiful
Pathetic knitting effort!
She's a really good singer...
But also completely crazy!
(Edited to say oh dear - it appears she has left Singsnap - a real loss because she was brill)
So in Tesco today I decided that I would have a go at this myself, though didn't want to invest too much in it in case it was truly awful. So I bought a £5 headset (which I'm actually quite impressed with) and this afternoon I have been trying it out. I have to say though that I hate the sound of my own voice though. It sounds too sweet and innocent. Anyway, have a listen and let me know what you think. Don't laugh though!
The Science of Love
When you are in the first stages of love, your body releases dopamine which is a pleasure chemical and produces a feeling of bliss. It also releases norepinephrine which is similar to adrenaline and causes you a racing heart and feeling of excitement. These two chemicals produce elation, intense energy, sleeplessness, craving, loss of appetite and difficulty in concentrating. At this stage as well, people may find that they have lower levels of serotonin. Lower levels of serotonin can also be found in OCD sufferers, and could explain why people obsess about their partners.
As a relationship develops, further chemicals are thrown into the mix. During sex oxytonin is released which creates an emotional bond. In addition, there is vasopressin which is a hormone associated with the formation of long-term monogamous relationships. Interestingly though, oxytonin and vasopressin can interfere with the pathways of dopamine and norepinephrine which could explain why passionate love can fade as attachment grows. Endorphins are also released which are the body's natural painkillers and give a sense of peace, well-being and security.
Of course I don't believe that love and attraction are merely chemical reactions - there is so much more to it than that. But I think it goes a long way to explain why love can produce such strange and compulsive feelings at times - the feeling of being in love can in some ways be likened to a drug addict who is seeking their next hit. It's something that you can't control and which takes over your whole life - and now it looks as if there is a scientific reason why.
Innocent until proven guilty
Just before going off to deliberate over the verdict of our first trial, myself and my fellow jurors were reminded about the defendant being "innocent until proven guilty". This meant that unless we could be convinced that there was enough proof that he was guilty then we had to find him not guilty. There was no room for 'probably guilty' - unless we were convinced that he had definitely committed the crime, then he would walk free, an innocent man.
Interestingly too, I discovered that it is the responsibility of the Crown to prove the charges and convince the jury of a defendant's guilt. The defence does not have to prove the defendant innocent - their job is mainly to disprove any claims that the prosecution are making.
I have wondered about our current justice system since undertaking jury service. Yes, 'Innocent until proven guilty' is necessary to help protect people who may well have not committed a crime at all. But on the other hand, it could be felt that the defendant has most likely committed a crime, but if not enough proof can be found, then he may get away with it.
Also, having been a member of a jury, I can say that it is a scary prospect to have people's lives in your own hands. The decisions that you make will change people's lives immensely. A randomly selected jury is a good thing, but surely sometimes cases can be swayed either way depending on the mix of people in a jury. Most jury members will have a limited knowledge of the law and sometimes can feel quite in the dark about matters. Perhaps each jury should have an independent legal advisor attached to them, whom they could consult during their deliberations. Or perhaps there should be 3 separate juries for each trial. Each jury reaches their own verdicts, then the final verdict would be whatever the majority of juries decided. I'm sure that sometimes, often, juries get it wrong. Perhaps this would make the result more accurate.
Or perhaps we should just go the way that everything seems to be going at the moment. Perhaps we should stage trials on television and make the verdict the result of a phone vote?!
Mind the Gap
"Passengers should note that the bearded gentleman's rucksack contains the following items only: some sandwiches, a library card and a picture of a bare ankle and is no cause for concern."
Shopping Nightmare!
I won't be going again on a Saturday unless it is an absolute emergency!!!
Jury Service
On the first day we arrived at the court and were taken up in a special lift to the Jury waiting area. It is a very large area with nice seats, a few books scattered round and a few TVs. We were shown a video which outlined our role and what we would be required to do if we had to go into court. After having filled in our (rather generous) expenses form, we just sat around chatting, reading, watching TV. I'm hoping to get to do a bit more of that next week - I'm planning to bring in some work I need to get done and it would be the perfect opportunity!
Then, towards the end of the first day (after having had a fairly impressive lunch in the Jury dining area) I was one of the chosen few to go down into court. It was quite nerve racking as we were led in and the charges were read to us. We then had to identify if we knew the defendant or any of the witnesses. Then 12 of the 16 were chosen at random and sworn in.
Over the last few days the trial has proceeded - we have heard evidence from both sides now and tomorrow I expect we will start to deliberate over our verdict. I must say that the court experience of it has been less formal than I expected. Yes, at times they have been very formal, but then at other times, the judge and barristers have used quite colloquial language and have been quite friendly towards the jury. In fact, at times, they have treated us pretty much feel like royalty and have made us feel like we are the most important people in the court.
I don't know what will happen tomorrow when we retire to discuss our verdict. I was pleased to find that there don't seem to be too many Chavs or unintelligent people doing jury service - everyone seems to be fairly respectable. And the people on my jury are nice - in fact I've become quite friendly with a few of them.
Hopefully I'll be assigned to another trial next week (though would like some time as well to get some work done). But I am really enjoying it - I like the short days, the nice lunches, the sitting chatting and watching TV, the being treated like royalty and the interesting trial. I won't want to go back to work at the end of it. Is there any chance of me becoming a professional juror?!
Which religion should I choose?
1. Bahá'í Faith (100%)
2. Jainism (100%)
3. Liberal Quakers (100%)
4. Mahayana Buddhism (100%)
5. Neo-Pagan (100%)
6. Orthodox Quaker (100%)
7. Secular Humanism (100%)
8. Taoism (100%)
9. Theravada Buddhism (100%)
10. Unitarian Universalism (100%)
11. New Age (81%)
12. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (75%)
13. Nontheist (75%)
14. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (50%)
15. Eastern Orthodox (50%)
16. Hinduism (50%)
17. Islam (50%)
18. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (50%)
19. Orthodox Judaism (50%)
20. Reform Judaism (50%)
21. Roman Catholic (50%)
22. Seventh Day Adventist (50%)
23. Sikhism (50%)
24. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (0%)
25. Jehovah's Witness (0%)
26. New Thought (0%)
27. Scientology (0%)
Think I will have to research what they mean - some of them I haven't even heard of. You can do the belief-o-matic quiz for yourself here.
In love...
Yes, I'm in love... with Makka Pakka from 'In the Night Garden'. How can you not just feel so sorry for him? Not only does he look like a bland mis-shapen teletubby but he lives on his own in a cave and doesn't have a teddy bear - he takes a stone to bed instead. And I can't stop singing his little song either:
Makka Pakka, Akka Wakka, Mikka Makka moo!
Makka Pakka, Appa Yakka, Ikka Akka ooo
Hum dum, Agga Pang, Ing, ang, ooo
Makka Pakka, Akka wakka, Mikka Makka moo!
He's just so loveable - definitely my favourite, though I love the Pontipines too - they seem like the cleverest creatures in the garden, even the children (who cunningly rescued Makka Pakka's Og Pog the other night by stopping it running away by throwing a stone in its way). And the Pontipines' beds are fab too - if they were a bit bigger they could invite Makka Pakka round for a sleepover so that he wouldn't have to sleep on his own. I don't like Upsy Daisy though. She loves herself too much, especially in this clip. Makka Pakka and the Pontipines are great dancers though... and the Wattingers even make an appearance too!
How could you not love it? I know that 'In the Night Garden' is designed for a target audience of 1-4 year olds, but I'm hooked - I love the songs, the beautiful scenery and the simplicity of it all!
Love the pictures over at Untitled Love Project. Some of them are quite sad, some are quite hilarious, and others are just plain weird. This one inspired me to write a short little poem...
The girl with a hole in her heart wept
The girl with a hole in her heart slept.
The girl with a hole in her heart sighed.
The girl with a hole in her heart cried.
The girl with a hole in her heart died.
The Little Prince
It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.
It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes it so important.
If one loves a flower, of which just one single blossom grows in all the millions and millions of stars, it is enough to make him happy just to look at the stars... He can say to himself: 'Somewhere my flower is there'.
The stars are beautiful because of a flower that cannot be seen.
To me you are nothing more than a little boy who is just like a hundred thousand other little boys. And I have no need of you. And you on your part have no need of me. To you I am nothing more than a fox like a hundred thousand other foxes. But if you tame me then we shall need each other. To me, you shall be unique in all the world. To you I shall be unique in all the world...
You become forever responsible for what you have tamed.
There is a flower... I think that she has tamed me...
Grownups never understand anything for themselves and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explaining things to them.
In one of the stars I shall be living. In one of them I shall be laughing. And so it will be as if all the stars are laughing when you look at the sky at night.
Road Trip
X Factor
I'm also loving Beverley loads. She can certainly belt out a song, and whilst I like Niki, I'm preferring Beverley at the moment.
And again, the fact that I like Hope surprises me - normally I hate manufactured groups... but Hope are good. (And I must confess to having Girls Aloud Greatest Hits so I can't hate manufactured groups all that much.) Tonight they were much better than Same Difference. I like Same Difference for their cheesiness and I know they will appeal to the High School Musical loving tweenagers, though the fact that they are brother and sister freaks me out a bit - they like each other a bit too much. Do they ever argue?!
I have to say though that I really don't like Alicia. She is just a bit too bland still. I love Sharon and don't want her to be left with no acts, but Alicia and the rollerskating kids just weren't good tonight (though I agree with Louis about Young Hearts Run Free being a fabulous song). And Leon is just too bland and forgettable.
Who do I think will win? Strangely enough I hope for Rhydian, though I can't ever imagine myself buying his CD. I would also be happy if Beverley won - she's good. Out of all the acts though, I can see Hope being the biggest commercial success, following in the footsteps of Girls Aloud. I guess we will just have to wait and see!
The last few days...
In The Night Garden
Now there is a new successor - and I encountered it properly for the first time tonight. People - yes, intelligent adults - have been telling me for some time now about the joy and pleasure that is 'In the Night Garden'. It is a strange surreal land inhabited by characters such as Iggle Piggle, Upsy Daisy, Makka Pakka (who seems to have both Tourettes and O.C.D and lives on his own in a cave), the Pontipines (who have 10 little beds that they jump into), and their next door neightbours the Wattingers - they live in a tiny semi-detached house at the foot of a tree. There are also the Tombliboos with their short stumpy legs and striped tops, the Haahoos, and not forgetting the Ninky Nonk ( a train) and the Pinky Ponk (an airship that makes farting noises as it flies).
Apart from the obvious appeal to young children, and the educational aspect of it (the Pontipines were counted many times!) this is a really fabulous programme. With its quirky loveliness, when all the toys go to bed, and the lights fade to leave just stars shining in the sky, it took me back to a more carefree time and relaxed me so that I wanted to hop into bed and say goodnight as well. The perfect programme to chill out to after a long day at work! And, if you have kids, even better I imagine!
Find out more here.
Get Me Out of Here!
The Killers: Sawdust
On the subject of songs I like... one of my favourite Muse songs is Knights of Cydonia. I found the video today on Youtube - it's amazing - it tells a dramatic, fantastical, and at times hilarious, story and fits well with the song! Think I might buy some of Muse's earlier CDs - I really love Black Holes and Revelations.
Fly Bite Update...
However, I got my revenge... I managed to swat it with a blank CD eventually last night and then whilst it was crawling around on the floor stunned, I dropped the CD onto it from a great height - death by crushing. And it is truly dead because I checked before. I do feel a bit mean... but it shouldn't have bitten me!
Amazon Prime
Pesky Fly
A further thing that annoyed me is that it was seemingly indestructible. Whenever I tried to whack it with my hefty mark scheme, it seemed to know and flew away just in time. Spraying Impulse on it didn't seem to have any effect (I didn't have any fly spray handy - thought Impulse might choke it, but no...), and when I stood in the middle of the room, mark scheme poised, it went and hid until I had sat down again, at which point it tried to bite the back of my arm, presumably where I couldn't see it.
Why is it here anyway? Surely flies don't like cold weather - don't they all die, or migrate to warmer places? Or maybe it just doesn't like the cold weather outside and though it would come in and annoy me instead. I wonder how it got in - the window hasn't been open... it has probably got some crafty fly entrance and will be bringing all its friends once it tells them how it managed to outwit me. Grr!
Today's artistic offering
Art Attack!
Take That Loving
And I'm really loving the new song - it's very beautiful and I love the idea of people riding round on stars together. I did a lyrics page in my Moleskine of it:
And here's the lovely song too:
Children's TV Memories
Ooh have been having fun watching children's TV programmes here. They bring back many memories. Think one of my favourite themes for singing along has to be Mysterious Cities of Gold. I remember when it was on that it was one of my very favourite programmes ever!
Another programme, from a few years earlier that is pure class is Pigeon Street. I remember watching it as a small child at lunchtime - it was on just before (or just after?) Rainbow, and as a special treat I would be allowed Dairylea sandwiches on the little orange picnic table that we had, and would watch Pigeon Street, Rainbow and Words and Pictures (the one with the talking pencil). Oh and Bric a Brac - I really liked that programe too. But Pigeon Street was the very best and this clip shows just why. Even now I think the theme is excellent and the animation is lovely!
And another couple that I remember being on almost every day... Jimbo - I loved it when he crashed into the control tower...
And Superted - I always felt sorry for him because he was the reject teddy bear from the factory...
Fantastic stuff - if only they made kids TV programmes like that now! Would keep me happy for hours! Instead, it just means I spend far too long watching old ones on Youtube instead!
Moleskine is the legendary notebook, used by European artists and thinkers for the past two centuries, from Van Gogh to Picasso, from Ernest Hemingway to Bruce Chatwin.
Originally produced by small French bookbinders who supplied the Parisian stationery shops frequented by the international avant-garde, by the end of the twentieth century the Moleskine notebook was no longer available. In 1986, the last manufacturer of Moleskine, a family operation in Tours, closed its shutters forever.
“Le vrai Moleskine n’est plus,” were the lapidary words of the owner of the stationery shop in Rue de l’Ancienne Comédie where Chatwin stocked up on the notebooks. The English writer had ordered a hundred of them before leaving for Australia: he bought up all the Moleskine that he could find, but they were not enough.
In 1998, a small Milanese publisher brought Moleskine back again. As the self effacing keeper of an extraordinary tradition, Moleskine once again began to travel the globe. To capture reality on the move, pin down details, impress upon paper unique aspects of experience: Moleskine is a reservoir of ideas and feelings, a battery that stores discoveries and perceptions, and whose energy can be tapped over time. . The legendary black notebook is once again being passed from one pocket to the next; with its various different page styles it accompanies the creative professions and the imagination of our time. The adventure of Moleskine continues, and its still-blank pages will tell the rest.
What Your Music Says About You
1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title as the answer to the question
- What does next year have in store for me? Love (The Beatles) - oh yes please!
- What's my love life like? Eyes Open (Snow Patrol) - don't think I always do have my eyes open!
- What do I say when life gets hard? You Sent Me Flying (Amy Winehouse)
- What song will I dance to at my wedding? Biology (Girls Aloud)
- What do you want as a career? Wooden Boat (Take That) - interesting career choice!
- Famous last words? Call Me (Blondie)
- Your favourite saying? Listen Up (Gossip) - indeed, something like that when I'm teaching
- Your favourite place? Disenchanted (My Chemical Romance) - yes I am there sometimes!
- What do you think of your parents? Never Know (Jack Johnson)
- What's your Pornstar name? X&Y (Coldplay) - ooh sexy name!
- Where would you go on a first date? Stop Me (Mark Ronson)
- Drug of choice? Hold On (Razorlight)
- Describe yourself: Invincible (Muse) Really?
- What is the thing I like doing most? I'm Still Standing (Elton John)
- What is my state of mind like at the moment? Piece of my Heart (Melissa Etheridge)
- How will I die? Might Tell You Tonight (Scissor Sisters) Oh gosh - thanks for letting me know!
Dead in my Mind
It basically describes how I have been feeling. That silent gaze - even though something as beautiful as the butterfly comes my way - my feelings are unchanged and are deep in thought. The mask describes how I've tried to hide myself from the world, when I hide I feel better in myself, no one can judge me and I can't hurt anyone.
Lovely smily images!
They are just so smily and happy. Could look at them all day and be cheered up by them - makes a welcome change from the cold, dark weather outside.
Nirvana Nevermind
Cadbuy's Wispa
Cath Kidston Lovelies
It is so pretty, like so many of her products. I love the whole retro feel about it.
I guess I'd better get writing some letters again now!
Life Mask
What is the story about? Well, it tells a true story set amongst the upper classes of London in the late eighteenth century. Its three main characters are Eliza Farren, an actress, the Earl of Derby, and a well-connected female sculptor, Anne Damer. Emma Donoghue states that she was inspired to write the story after reading some gossip from the time, linking Eliza and Anne romantically:
Bonjour et bienvenue!
One cool thing I have come across recently is where you put your name and then "needs" into Google. So I tried it... Quite funny results...
1) Skye needs to have a good reason or incentive to participate
2) Skye needs to start acting like an adult
3) Skye needs to suffer and besides what it the point of holding your cards if you don’t reveal them at the most opportune moment
4) Skye needs bass and guitar
5) Skye needs to come to Illinois
6) Skye needs Canadian stamps on your letter for her to mail it back to you because they are mailed from Canada
7) Skye needs her red hair back
8) Skye needs musicians to Live band
9) Skye needs U
10) Skye needs to be in PV whether RC is in the role or not
Some interesting suggestions for me! I didn't know I needed so many things!
By the way - I'm not really Skye - those of you who know me will know that! But Skye is my online alter-ego - means I can write more of the things I really want to say without everyone knowing it is me! Everything else is completely real though!
Happy reading... enjoy the blog! Hope to see you back soon xx