New Postcards!

Have made myself some new postcards based on the proverbs drawings I did a while back. Have sent them off to Moo to be printed - hopefully I'll get them really soon - I love Moo cards and they're what I've been using for all my postcrossing cards - they make my drawings actually look quite professional (in a badly drawn simplistic kind of way!)

Wicked is truly Wicked!

Went to finally see Wicked in London this weekend. It was really fabulous! Have been singing along to all the songs for weeks on the CD so it was nice to actually see it performed. I love the lighting, the costumes, Glinda was so funny and Elphaba was brill too! Think my favourite song is defying gravity though - it has a very strong message about turning your back on people who pull you down and standing up for what you believe in.

Go Elphie!

Postcrossing cards

Have scanned the postcrossing cards I have received so far and uploaded them to my postcrossing wall (how very facebook that sounds!). So I guess I'll put them on here as well so if any postcrossing people take a peek at my blog, they may see their very own card. Incidentally, it is very weird indeed to see some of the cards I have sent which have been scanned in. I think it's maybe because I made them myself and now they are in far flung places around the world!
The first card I received was from Tom27 in Germany:
Then I got this one from Cinnepin in the Netherlands:

This card was from EmilyJean from the USA:

Then this one from Miss_Gonzales in Turkey:
And this one from Dandelion in Finland:

The Terribles

Have started working on a new collection of poetry - called The Terribles. It was inspired by all the pictures I have (mainly from Deviant art) of girls who are mean, moody and melancholy. So I have given each of them a name and plan to write a poem about each of them. The poems are in the early stages yet, but hopefully I will post some of them on here when I've finished them.

Am feeling throroughly fed up with school at the moment - too much work, too much stress, too little thanks. Yes there are many benefits of being a teacher in the UK, but there are also many many downsides. Any ideas for an alternative career that would pay as much??!

On the brighter side of life, I received another postcard yesterday from postcrossing - from Cin in Holland. I really am getting into the whole idea of it, especially now I have received a couple myself.

Postcrossing Update!

Am very excited! My very first postcrossing card has reached its destination and I received a very nice message from Cecile in France today. Can't wait to now receive a card myself! I think I could get quite addicted to this - it's nice to spread the love! :-)

More Options...

Two new Options drinks updates.

Ooh La La Vanilla

This drink was ok - nothing bad though nothing amazing. Would possibly buy again, though not if there are other available.

Tempting Toffee

Am drinking this one as I type. It is very sweet and smells like Muller Light Toffee yoghurt or Caramac bars. It looks quite indipid really - quite pale and watery. It tastes very sweet. Not my favourite, though not the worst either (that was White Chocolate!)

As a result of my findings, I think I will be buying the original Belgian Chocolate one again, and the mint and orange varieties. I haven't tried the hazelnut one, though I'm not a huge fan of nuts. I expect it would taste a bit like Nutella (though I do love Nutella mmmmm!)

Postcrossing and Wicked

This afternoon I posted my first batch of Postcrossing cards - to Finland, France, Germany, USA and China. Wonder how long it will take them to arrive? I'm very excited to hopefully be receiving some myself before too long!

Have been singing along to Wicked all day - the CD I ordered arrived yesterday and the book today. I'm quite enchanted (bad joke!) by it - can't wait to go and see the show!

Options Options

Sometimes all you need is a little taste of chocolate to put the world to rights isn't it?! But if it's just before you eat your evening meal it's not the best idea to be chomping on a large bar of Dairy Milk. But over the last few night I have found the solution - hot chocolate!

I have been experimenting with the Options hot chocolate sachets and have found them to be quite convenient. Normally I buy a jar of hot chocolate and then forget all about it, but the sachets are quite perfect really.

White Chocolate
This was the first one that I tried. When I made it, it had the consistency of watery milk - not very appealing. The taste wasn't unlike white chocolate, but didn't have the smoothness or the same sweetness. I drank most of the cup, but poured the rest away. I probably wouldn't buy this one again.

Mint Madness

This one was much nicer. It tasted like Mint KitKats (gorgeous) and left a refreshing aftertaste. Sometimes when you drink hot chocolate you feel like you need a cold drink to refresh your mouth, but I didn't feel like this was necessary with this one. Would buy again.

Outrageous Orange

I am drinking this one as I type. It tastes like orange KitKats (also yum!) or Terry's Cholcolate Orange. Another good one!


Have been playing around on iGoogle and have added a cool upload thing to Blogger - just seeing if it is working now! Maybe it will make me write stuff more often! :-)



Bleurgh... have got a headache... probably the result of too many screaming children all day long at school. So I thought this pretty pic would cheer me up!

Have been feeling quite creative over the last week or two. Feel inspired to take lots of photos, do lots of writing and stick lots of pictures into my notebooks. It keeps me happy!

Went out in Liverpool on Saturday night and saw one of the new works of art in the street - the pretty twinkling spider.

It's part of the art on show for the MADE UP Exhibition for the Liverpool Biennial Festival. Many of the pieces of art look really cool - I will certainly have to go and see some of them!


A few years ago I tried Bookcrossing though didn't really have a massive amount of success, in spite of putting a couple of books out there for other people to read. So it was with interest that I stumbled across Postcrossing. The idea is that you are randomly given the address of somebody, somewhere in the world and you send them a postcard. They then register the postcard and you then reach the top of the list to receive a card yourself - all very exciting.

I was despairing a little, wondering what kind of postcards I could send. I decided to get some of my own art work printed at Moo and I also got some little Moo Cards too which are just the coolest things! I have now written cards to France, Germany, Finland, USA and China. Hopefully it won't be too long before I receive some myself and will be able to send some more!

Seven Deadly Sins

Oh dear! Looks like I'm damned to Hell then!

Sloth:Very High

The Seven Deadly Sins Quiz on

Take the test and see which sin you are guilty of!

And here is the part of Hell that I'm apparently going to go to - sounds nice! :-)

The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Third Level of Hell!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Purgatory (Repenting Believers)Moderate
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers)Very Low
Level 2 (Lustful)Moderate
Level 3 (Gluttonous)Very High
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious)High
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy)High
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics)Very Low
Level 7 (Violent)Very High
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers)High
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous)Low

Take the Dante's Divine Comedy Inferno Test

Vintage Bling

Oh my god! I'm having palpitations about how fabulous my newest etsy find is! (notice how short the spacing is between these items arriving on my doormat!) I so love this bracelet. It is very cool and unique, but I also love the history that goes with it - the fact that possibly 100 years or so ago people were actually using the keys to type with! It's like a little piece of living history. I like it so much that I've ordered another one. No doubt I'll blog about that when it arrives too!

Marking score for today = 0%
Oh dear!! :-)

Song of the day, which I've just been madly dancing around to is 'I Touch Myself' by the Divinyls - a classic university song. And there's always time for a bit of Austin Powers clip watching - brill!

Fortune telling

I am so impressed with my latest etsy purchase.

To be fair, I have received many many lovely things which were all beautifully made and packaged. But this is one of my favourites. I love the fact that it's such a funky necklace and really original - I'm sure not many people will be seen wearing them. And the seller was totally lovely too - she even sent me a ring as an extra because it had taken her a while to post. There were loads of other goodies included too, my favourite being one of those cool fortune telling fish that curl up and tell your fortune. According to the fish, I'm passionate at the moment...hmmm could be! I would highly recommend Hoolala's shop. I'm sure I'm going to have great fun playing with the necklace. And it's put me in a good mood which is a good thing because I'm about to do some marking now and need to be in a good mood!!

Oh Hello Again!

Gosh... just HOW long is it since I blogged! Sorry to anyone who actually might have been reading this blog! Hopefully now I'm back! Am just eating a Gu Banoffee dessert - yum! So, what else has been happening apart from far far too much work? Well, I have developed quite an addiction to etsy and have bought a tremendous amount of stuff on there. You can see some of the stuff I've bought in my feedback page here. I love it all though - the sellers are so lovely and it's exciting to receive beautifully wrapped packages from all over the world. And etsy stuff makes fantastic and unusual presents for family and friends too.

I have also been doing lots of creating myself. I am planning (someday soon) to start my own etsy shop selling stickers and prints. I have been experimenting with creating my own prints. They're quite simple, but I like their simplicity. Of course they were all drawn first in my Moleskine :-)


Perhaps this post is a bit of blatant advertising, but last night I found the coolest thing. If you want to know something and don't have immediate access to the internet, then you can text any question to 118118 and they will answer it for you. Last night we all kept yawning, then that made everyone else yawn. So I texted "Why is yawning contagious?" and I got this reply a few minutes later:

Yawn contagion is largely unconscious. It bypasses the known brain circuitry for consciously analysing and mimicking other people.

Hmm rather eloquently put as well as useful. I wonder if someone is sitting there receiving all the texts and doing a quick search on Google. Could be interesting - I'm sure some of the questions would be very random!

Oh dear!

Well, first things first, happy New Year - welcome to 2008! (a little bit late I know!) The problem I have had today isn't really a big problem because I have enjoyed myself tremendously. However, I have completely indulged myself and haven't done all the things I should have done. Instead of doing marking, I have spent over £100 buying amazingly beautiful things on etsy and haven't done much else! And I just ate some Toblerone too - it's hardly smoothies filled with fresh fruit is it?! I now have a lot of catching up to do, and I really don't want to!!! I'm dreading going back to school on Monday - you'd think it would be the kids who wouldn't want to go back, but the teachers dread it even more!