Fortune telling

I am so impressed with my latest etsy purchase.

To be fair, I have received many many lovely things which were all beautifully made and packaged. But this is one of my favourites. I love the fact that it's such a funky necklace and really original - I'm sure not many people will be seen wearing them. And the seller was totally lovely too - she even sent me a ring as an extra because it had taken her a while to post. There were loads of other goodies included too, my favourite being one of those cool fortune telling fish that curl up and tell your fortune. According to the fish, I'm passionate at the moment...hmmm could be! I would highly recommend Hoolala's shop. I'm sure I'm going to have great fun playing with the necklace. And it's put me in a good mood which is a good thing because I'm about to do some marking now and need to be in a good mood!!